LiMPETS Publications
- Youth-focused citizen science: Examining the role of environmental science learning and agency for conservation, Journal of Biological Conservation
- Long-term Monitoring of Surfgrass Meadows in the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary: Recovery followed by Stability after the Termination of a Domestic Sewage Discharge
- Monterey Bay Condition Report
- LiMPETS Citizen Science Northern California Report
- Engaging Students in the Classroom, Field, and Beyond: The Role of Multimedia in Citizen Science
LiMPETS on the News
LiMPETS in the News
- Friends of Fitzgerald Marine Reserve Newsletter, 2015
- The Mini Page, March 2015
- Bay Area ABC News, Feb 2015
- Modesto Bee 2014
- Bay Nature 2014
- Monterey Herald 2014
- Santa Maria Times
- Monterey Herald 2013