LiMPETS Unveils Long-Term Monitoring Results to the State

[…] year period. The report focuses on ecological status and long-term trends along beaches and rocky intertidal areas within California’s North Central Coast region, including trends within California’s new network of marine protected areas. LiMPETS findings identify long-term declines in key species of the rocky intertidal. Additionally, initial benefits of protection may include greater stability […]

The Power of Community Science

[…] carried. The tiny beachcombers’ eyes went wide with fascination and the high school student was beaming — fully engaged in this teaching moment as he shared his newfound expertise. Community science at the Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History tows the intersection between research and public education. It creates a space where science is […]

Finding Meaningful and Lasting Connections with Our Local Marine Ecosystem

[…] seemed almost giddy to be outside and immersed in the cool, salty ocean air. As we spread out among the tide pools and found our transect markers, newcomers to the club monitorings and veterans alike stopped every few paces, appreciating the abundance of turban snails or the vibrant green of sea lettuces. As the […]

LiMPETS Presents Ecological Trends to Non-profit

[…] partner to the LiMPETS program. The Board learned about the long-term, ecological trends revealed by LiMPETS student-collected data, as well as the scientific and educational updates to the program. After the presentation, Friends of Fitzgerald donated funds to buy new equipment and create field materials for the LiMPETS rocky intertidal program. Thank you Friends of Fitzgerald!

Crabtivating Sand Crab Distribution at Playa Del Rey Beach

Cleo, Jerome, Kate, and Gloria Bishop O’Dowd High School No need to feel clawstrophobic (or get crabby), there is plenty of room for all the sand crabs on Playa del Rey Beach! So, how has sand crab population changed over time on this Southern Californian beach? This question allows us to further understand the […]

2019-2020 Registration for GFA LiMPETS Closed

[…] program. We are currently scheduled at capacity and hope you will be able to register with us next year. If we have any cancellations, we will post new dates here and send an email notification out to our list of workshop trained teachers. Sign-up for the LiMPETS Newsletter to stay up to date on […]

What’s up with the gender distribution?

[…] again in the fall. Based on the information given in the article, there should have been an abundance of recruits during the September trip to Ocean Beach. However, there were more males and females than there were recruits. According to our school’s data from past trips, this pattern has been the same since 2003. Source:

Original Methods Used to Monitor the Sandy Beach (2002 to Sept 2016)

[…] method of surveys to better estimate abundance of these mobile creatures. You can find our current protocols here and the baseline report here that recommended we develop new protocols. Upon arriving at the site, a 50 m rope was laid onto the sand, parallel to the shoreline in dry sand.  This rope designated the […]