Student Resources

Learn more about California coastal ecosystems, test your knowledge with interactive quizzes, and watch videos about the organisms you are going to monitor! Sandy Beach Monitoring Rocky Intertidal Monitoring Science Communication   LiMPETS_Photo_Bar

Little Crabs in a Big Storm

[…] an El Niño period results in an increased northward transport of water, it is expected that larval populations in Oregon will be higher during El Niño. To test this prediction, scientists recorded the larval abundances of a non-El Niño year (1997) and an El Niño year (1998). In 1997, they saw that first stage […]

Methods Used to Monitor the Sandy Beach (Sept 2016 – May 2019)

[…] vertical transect length ➗ 9 = distance between sample points. Students will be using pacing steps to measure the distance between sample points, so each student should practice what a 1-m step feels like. Collecting Samples: Starting at the top of the vertical transect (the spot where they found their first crab) students will […]

Finding Meaningful and Lasting Connections with Our Local Marine Ecosystem

[…] flourishing ecosystem almost outside their doorstep. People come to Duxbury for a multitude of reasons: to be with friends, do community service, spend time on the beach, practice accurate data collection, and simply enjoy the inspiring rocky intertidal ecosystem. Yet, each participant seems to finish the monitorings with a larger appreciation for the natural […]

How do I Get Involved?

[…] participants monitor only once per year. Others monitor seasonally or monthly. Data Entry: After data is collected, you and your students enter data online. Analysis: Optionally, students research questions and use the online graphing tools to analyze results. Communication: Sharing your results is important too! Some participants present posters at scientific meetings; others enter student film contests or […]

Strong Presence for LiMPETS at International Conference on Citizen Science

[…] and were interviewed by ABC news. Frankie Gerraty at The Branson School told ABC reporter David Louie, “It was incredible to have scientists coming up to us, asking questions about our research. They were all blown away by how we’re only in high school, and we have the opportunity to present at a prestigious conference.”

LiMPETS Student-scientists at AGU Conference

[…] the world at the annual AGU meeting in San Francisco. Students received their badges and entered the enormous Moscone Center halls on December 5th to present their own posters. Students were  excited and proud to talk to professional scientists about  their research questions, analyses and conclusions drawn from hard work and years of data collection.

2020-2021 Registration for GFA LiMPETS virtual programs

[…] step. For other schools, we recognize these are particularly challenging times for our schools and our youth. This is an optional payment, but your financial support helps us continue to provide programming. Step 3: We will reach out to you to coordinate the logistics for your programs. If you have any questions, please email

2019-2020 Registration for GFA LiMPETS

[…] both programs that a classroom training is also required. You will need to train your students using LiMPETS materials, or schedule a classroom training with a LiMPETS staff member. Please complete this form to schedule a LiMPETS program with Rebecca Soloway at the Greater Farallones Association. If you have any questions, please email Loading…

2018-2019 Registration for LiMPETS

[…] Rocky Intertidal field trip date and time. For both programs, remember that you will also need to schedule a classroom training with a LiMPETS staff member or on your own. Please complete this form to schedule a LiMPETS program with Rebecca Soloway at the Greater Farallones Association. If you have any questions, please email